
Saltmarsh works completed to protect local Sanctuary Zone

October 9, 2023 1:51 pm in by
Photo: Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board

Improvements to the Cowleds Landing Marine Sanctuary Zone near Whyalla are protecting land-based habitats and enhancing visitor experiences.

The Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board and National Parks and Wildlife Service SA worked together to complete the improvements.

The range of works undertaken include improved signage at the turn off to Eight-Mile Creek, vegetation barriers to define parking areas, track rationalisation, and replanting vegetation.

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Whyalla Landscape Officer Barbara Murphy says the work is important as saltmarshes have a threatened status listing.

“What we hope to achieve with the works that we’ve done at Eight-Mile Creek and Murrippi Beach is to protect the vegetation there, but also to help guide people when they’re down there to where they can park, where the main access roads are, and that sort of thing, Ms Murphy says.

“We’ve improved wayfinding with signage, and also signage so people know it’s a sanctuary zone.”
