
Our Top 5 Podcasts to Check Out in September

September 1, 2023 10:26 am in by

Looking for new and exciting shows to add to your playlist? Look no further! We’ve done the hard work of finding new shows and the latest episodes for you. Each month, we’ll give you our top five podcasts that are must-listens now or to save on your playlist for later.

1. Two Good Sports (JUST LAUNCHED)

A hot new sports podcast has just landed on iHeartRadio, and no matter your level of interest in sports, chances are you’ll love it! Hosted by the acclaimed journalists Abbey Gelmi and Georgie Tunny, Two Good Sports is a podcast that explores the biggest sports stories in the country. Every Tuesday morning, Gelmi and Tunny provide sports news with the context that truly matters.

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In their first episode, How the Matildas changed Australian Sport, they delve into how the Australian women’s football team, the Matildas, have made a significant impact on Australian sport.

This record-breaking Women’s World Cup performance has not only inspired the nation but also raised questions about the future of the game. If you’re a well-seasoned sports buff, or love supporting women in sport, this is a must-listen.

2. Judge GinaEp. Fiancé finances put wedding plans on thin ice

Get ready to enter the courtroom of Australia’s favourite straight-talking housewife turned barrister, Gina Liano. In Judge Gina, she settles cases brought forward by both celebrities and regular Aussies. With her no-nonsense approach, Liano deals in facts, ensuring justice prevails.

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For those who are engaged and planning a wedding, we’ve chosen an episode for you – Fiancé finances put wedding plans on thin ice. Nicole seeks Judge Gina’s ruling on whether she should hire a wedding planner for her upcoming ceremony, despite her fiancé Matt’s desire to save money.

Listen to the full episode now to see how Judge Gina handles this delicate situation!

3. Your News Now (NEW)

Brand new podcast, Your News Now, is an easy to ‘digest’ 1 minute podcast for those who crave short and up-to-date news and weather updates. The content is tailored to your location, and aims to keep you informed about the latest events in your area.

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4. Picture Discuss – Ep. A horse walks into a bar

Picture Discuss, hosted by Merrick Watts, is a comedic improvisation spectacle. In every episode, Merrick is joined by two witty comedians to dive deep into the mysteries of peculiar internet photos. Tune in every Tuesday and Thursday to join in the laughter as they decode the stories behind these images.

A standout episode that’s sure to have you in stitches is A horse walks into a bar featuring special guests Reuben Kaye and Oliver Coleman. There’s a barrage of laugh-out-loud moments as they try to decode the perplexing scenario of a horse in a bar. Make sure to queue it up for a guaranteed good laugh.

The best thing about this podcast is that you can help solve the mystery behind the picture checking out the full picture here, come up with your own theories, and then listen to the podcast to get the answer!

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5. The Wood Life – Motivational Moments

If you’re in the need for a little bit of motivation with your health and fitness this year, The Wood Life with Sam Wood podcast will give you the boost you’re craving.

Sam is on a mission to make 2023 your most remarkable year yet. Whether it’s weight loss, igniting your inner drive, or reaching new heights – there’s an episode to help you. Sam teams up with Australia’s foremost experts, and answers your queries about health, fitness, and lifestyle

If you’re like a lot of people and struggle to find the time to listen to a full podcast, Sam has created a number of short and sharp Motivational Moments to help you feel inspired throughout your busy week.

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In easy-to-digest five-minute episodes, Motivational Moments covers a wide range of topics, from phone addiction and practicing gratitude to eating healthily. There’s definitely something for everyone!

No matter what your interests are, grab your headphones and get ready to listen to a range of topics and genres to keep you entertained and informed on the free iHeart Radio app.
